

Ankita Sahni

Fitness Coach

Mamabe.fit was born shortly after the birth of my daughter, Miraya. I gained 18 kgs in pregnancy and went from 52 kgs to 70 kgs. After pregnancy, just like most women out there, I faced the challenge of getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight and energy levels without compromising lactation and baby time :)

I started with a simple plan for myself- To move and stretch as much as possible, thus, increasing my activity levels. Slowly but methodically I started with simple full body exercises and increased the intensity steadily. I ate healthy nutritious meals without worrying about the 'How much'. The result was astonishing- I lost 24 kgs and came down to 46kgs WITHOUT STARVING, by enjoying food, workout and most importantly - being happy. All in a matter of 8 months.

And so I decided to pursue the two most comprehensive international certifications for women's fitness - NASM and Girls gone strong USA. And now I am helping fellow mommies and moms-to-be in their own fitness journey.

As a mom I understand the struggle of finding time for workouts and meal-prep, I also understand the longing to hit one's pre-pregnancy weight, without starvation and boring unsustainable diets. But don't worry- I got you! My diet and workout plans are made to suit your goal and most of all your mommy life. They focus on fat loss, strength gain, core and pelvic floor health and more. They are simple DIY plans, which you can do at your time and convenience and most of all, with your baby around :) If you want a more personalised touch and motivation, work with me week-on-week with custom workout plans, diet and tracking.

The vision of Mamabefit is simple- to help mommies be the fittest versions of themselves. If you can run around all day between work, baby, home, and workouts and still not feel like you need to hit the sack by 9 pm, then you are the fittest version of yourself! And this is where I am going to help you 💪