Meet the stronger, more confident version of yourself.
Choose a healthy lifestyle with Mamabefit
Meet the stronger, more confident version of yourself.
Choose a healthy lifestyle with Mamabefit

Meet the stronger, more confident version of yourself. was born shortly after the birth of my daughter Miraya. I gained 18 kgs in pregnancy and went from 52 kgs to 70 kgs. After pregnancy, just like most women out there, I faced the challenge of getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight and energy levels without compromising lactation and baby time.

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Discover the Transformative Journey of Postpartum Fitness with Ankita


diastasis-recti-womens-day-special rebuild-postpartum-womens-day-special core-rehab-womens-day-special body-burn-live prenatal-fitness personalized-diet

Complete personalised fitness solution

Personalized Diet Plans

Receive personalized diet plans that align with your dietary preferences. Your plan will be continuously adjusted to ensure you enjoy your favorite foods while maintaining a healthy diet.

Weekly Progress Updates

Monitor your progress by sharing weekly photos and measurements, allowing for adjustments as needed to stay on track.

24*7 Assistance

We understand your unique needs and preferences and we're available around the clock to ensure you get the assistance you require.

Individualized Exercise Regimens

Receive regular modifications to your workout plan based on factors such as heart rate, feedback, and, of course, your schedule and preferences.

Success Stories